Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Public Restroom Pet Peeve #826

So you decided to use a seat cover. Whatever. Your choice. Even if I deem it pointless.

Why did you leave it on the seat when you left? Seriously? Like I wanna have to dispose of it!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011


Will has just said "cool"
Regarding the tix you bought
about freakin' time


we are just like beets
we are full of the red juice
blue helicopter

Thursday, April 21, 2011


quit licking lightbulbs
goats think they're better than me

Stop me if you've heard this one.

Life is a haiku
Or maybe it's a highway
I can't remember

New Contributors

Against my better judgement, I have invited a couple of new guest bloggers to this little party of mine.  Please tolerate their shenanigans.

Thank you.

Admiral Ackbar

Admiral Ackbar
He is a major badass
He said, "it's a trap!"


Tammy, I need beer
where is Will when you need him?
here it comes: LOOKOUT!

a Cookie haiku original

things that make me laugh
may not make much sense to most
nutsack punching bag

haiku time - cookie style

what am I doing?
I just called a fax number
Tammy just said this

Haiku #1 by Tammy

Already ready
ready Already ready
Ready already

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Home Versus Back Home

I have been in my current area long enough that I have to call it home.  I think after thirteen years, it's actually required by law or something.

My parents still live in the same little house where I spent the first 25 years of my life.  It's only two hours away from where I live now, but it might as well be on a different planet.  I feel that alien going there sometimes.  To the town.  Not to the house.

I might not call it home, but it will always be back home.  Home is where you live.  Back home is where your heart will always be.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My motorvation has run out of gas.

The title says it all.

It has been many moons since I've been on the scale, and at this point, it will only be bad news.  I'm not sure my delicate constitution can take it right now.

I'd blame it on the rain, à la Milli Vanilli, but that would be a world-class cop-out.  My faithful readers (all three of you) deserve more.

Maybe I'll be able to come back in a week or so and give it to you.

Monday, January 3, 2011


A side effect of getting fit is losing weight. But losing weight doesn't necessarily mean you are fit.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Uncharacteristically optimistic going into a new year.

The last two months of 2010 saw me fall off the FIT wagon, but I'm down - not out.