Sunday, October 24, 2010


Another week...and, well, another two actually, since I didn't get around to checking in last weekend.

It wasn't ENTIRELY because I gained two pounds, but that fact didn't exactly inspire me to post.

So imagine my surprise when I discovered a drop of eight pounds on the scale today.  That's a net drop of six pounds from two weeks ago.  (Didn't think you'd learn some math on this here blog, did ya?)

The surprise was exacerbated by the fact I really wasn't on my best behavior this week.  I didn't work overly hard for it, but I'll take it.  Maybe it's the power of somewhat positive thinking?

This past week held a visit to the local "big city" to see Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper in concert.  Yeah.  Basically awesome.  I think Alice Cooper and Dick Clark use the same, um, preservation expert.

Hubby and I are still enjoying Extreme Decluttering 2010 - The Event.  I won't say we had much to get rid of in the first place, but there was room for improvement.  Was it watching all those episodes of Horders that drove us to this?  Probably.

It feels good to lose weight of all kinds.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Color me shocked, as I discovered a one pound drop on the scale this morning. It was Customer Service Week at ye old work place, and that meant an abundance of food. I also enjoyed several meals out, and didn't exactly go for the lite menu at all of them, if you know what I mean.

I was hoping for stasis, at best, so seeing a slight drop makes me happy. It means that keeping up activity is key. It means that watching portion size and still eating what I want is working.

It means that there is hope that I can live a normal life without being obsessed with counting calories and exercising compulsively.

It means I might be able to do this after all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Two pounds lighter this week. Feeling immeasurably better.

I believe this blog could turn into an algebraic word problem: Given all blog entries defining weight loss over these years, and this announcement in December 2012 that Tammy has met her goal weight, at what weight did she start?

First correct answer wins. The prize? Um, maybe my CPAP machine? Given my love / hate relationship with it, would be a fitting gesture. The hope being with great weight loss, the need for the damn thing will go away.

I love the fall. Here's one reason why:

Sure, the spring means new hope and renewal, but the fall feels cleansing to me. And the colors sure are purdy.