Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ahh, life, ye of little faith...

Remember this post?  Heck, I should say first, remember me, my handful of followers?

Well, this is the year of the big 4-0, and that long suffering goal is NOT obtainable.  However, all is not lost!  As of May, I am down 27 pounds in seven weeks, and the numbers are still falling!  So, new goal: down 100 pounds by that fateful birthday!

I have taken a somewhat controversial approach this time.  It's called "physician managed weight loss."  In other words (mine), I pay someone an obscene amount of money (some might say) in order to make me accountable.  And I'm okay with that, as long as it works.  And it is working, but only because I'm working it.

This post was inspired by a friend, I'll call her J.  J and I have recently bonded over our shared goal to lose weight, become more fit, and just generally get healthier.  She has been blogging more regularly than myself about this, and I enjoy reading her entries.

I started writing a response to her last blog, and it was so long and convoluted, I stopped and decided to write this blog post instead!

So, J, this is for you:

Everything you said is exactly true.  And your opinions about "that place" are valid for those people you see who are doing it wrong!  The thing is, you likely don't see the people who aren't doing it wrong (except me!) because they don't end up on your radar.  But this isn't about them or that place.  This is about you.

We've got to get you off the idea of a "Cheat Day."  Let's start looking at it like "Cheat Meals" or "Cheat Montages."  (Heck yeah, bring on the montage!  Those corny 80's movies can't be wrong!)

We can go to the serve yourself froyo place and get ourselves a cup of goodness, but we have to do it smartly.  Sugar free - and good! - flavors abound, with fruit and some nuts?  Yummy, and relatively good for you!  We can go out to eat and have some decadently rich meal, but, again, show some restraint and half it with someone, or, better yet, just eat half ON PURPOSE!  *GASP*  Responsibility?  What a novel concept!

And this doesn't have to be a scheduled thing.  That makes it feel too much like a "to do" list item.  Make it as sporadic and unpredictable as you are!

You are doing all the right things, so keep it up!  See you soon back on the track, literally!