Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Laundry bores me.  I dislike laundry.  I only recently figured out why.

There's no surprise.  No mystery. 

My laundry doesn't even have the gumption to magically disappear.  I've heard fairy tales of a mystical land where missing socks run away:  breed, and raise baby socks; live happily ever after.

The white socks I put into the washer?  They come out of the dryer.  I have to fold them, and put them away.

Laundry, how you disappoint me.


  1. Interesting, I am visiting your sister and as I read your posts, she is doing laundry. Cosmic timing I would say. I pass to you the sisterly comment: It's not so much doing the laundry as it is folding.

  2. Indeed, as this epiphany came upon me while folding socks...
