Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have a love/hate relationship with beds. Don't get me wrong - some of my best sleeping has been done in beds (and that's not a euphemism, I mean zzz's).

It took me around three years to commit to my current mattress. A year to decide queen versus king (king won - I guess mine is a patriarchal domain). The rest of the time was divided between looking, deciding, balking on price, giving up, waiting, repeating. The above processes were not necessarily consecutive nor sequential.

Then came sheets. Why are they so complicated? I don't blame the sheet manufacturers. I blame the mattress companies. Why can't there be a standardized thickness so all sheets will just fit? It works for electrical outlets. Why is their product so proprietary?

Sheets either refuse to stretch enough to work, or in my recent experience, have enough fabric leftover to make pillowcases.

Long story short (too late), I've had the bed nearly a year, and just upgraded the sheets. (Yep, I'm geeky enough that I said upgraded relative to household furnishings.) Sometimes I just like to stop and appreciate the fact that I can take four years to make decisions, and nobody can say a damn thing about it.


  1. As one who just purchased a bed, I couldn't agree more. My issue was finding the sheets that fit my mattress. One set fit the other require the garter looking thing a-ma-bobs to keep them on. I feel a conspiracy.....

  2. The Gypsy of Mad LoveApril 25, 2010 at 12:51 AM

    I want to know how you decided upon your sheets? What color, thread count, process of deliberation in the choice? Ah, there's something quite pleasing about slipping into sheets that exist only to caress your skin and ensure beautiful dreams....

  3. Well, Gypsy (can I call you Mad?), I go with a generic color to leave myself open for more options on the bedding you can actually see. This time around is a pleasing creamy beige.

    My tactile response to a fabric trumps the published thread count. This means, unfortunately I can't bring myself to order online and get the high thread count for the least bucks. I have just found that touching one brand's 700 thread count doesn't always have as nice a feel as a different brand's 550 thread count.

    So I head to my nearest department store, and just wander around aimlessly until that perfect coordination of cost versus feel are achieved.

    Now that I have some time with these sheets, and some washes are under my belt, I'm not 100% happy with them. They aren't "wearing" as nicely as I'd like, kind of like a pair of old jeans would - that's what I really want. And they have this annoying habit of picking up every piece of lint that comes along.

    So one day soon I'll get tired of them, and go back to the drawing board. Maybe this time I will take a chance on an unknown, online kid, and see what happens!
